Christian Social Action

Black History Committee

Commission on Christian Social Action
Monitors and advocates for issues of social concern that affects the community. Some of these issues include: voter awareness and empowerment, social justice and human rights, education, health care economic-sufficiency, other political and economic issues, as well as concerns identified by the Connectional Social Action Commission.

Commission on Health
Promotes healthy living as a principle objective of Bethel AME Church. It facilitates health promotion through education and the fostering of healthy behaviors. Some of its programs include the dissemination of health information (some of which result from research conducted by Bethel healthcare providers), conducts workshops, seminars, health screenings, health monitoring and fitness activities; and suggests healthy food alternatives for church events. The Health Commission also provides leadership for an annual Day of Dialogue on Minority Health that brings churches, faith-based leaders, and health professionals together to identify health issues, to examine the role of the church in confronting these issues, to share best practices, and to develop applicable actions to improve health outcomes in minority communities.