A.J. Kershaw Board
Works in harmony with the pastor and other boards to improve the spiritual and physical aspects of the church. Its mission encompasses a ministry of in-reach and outreach. Its primary outreach project is the annual contribution of wigs for cancer patients, through the American Cancer Society. It also contributes human and material resources to church outreach projects.
B. L. Perry Sr./Jr. Board
Conducts activities and programs to assist the church with its spiritual and outreach goals.
Card and Telephone Care Ministry
Seeks to provide compassion and encouragement to the sick and shut-in, the bereaved, and members who are experiencing other kinds of adverse life experiences by supporting them through get-well, sympathy, prayer and encouragement cards, and with telephone visits.
Care Leaders Council
Care leaders attend to the spiritual and personal well-being of class members. They meet with their members, on the pastor’s behalf, when they are faced with illness, emotional or financial distress, death of a family member, and other problems and concerns, and report these needs and conditions to the pastor. Class leaders work to ensure that members are provided with appropriate care and assistance.
Commission on Public Relations
Promotes intra-congregation communication. It provides, gathers, and disseminates information of public interest to the secular press, religious press, radio and television stations, and other legitimate public-information outlets. It develops channels through which individual church ministries/organizations can transmit newsworthy information.
Daughters of Sarah Allen
Named in honor of Sarah Allen, missionary, abolitionist, and wife of Bishop Richard Allen, founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Daughters of Sarah Allen comprised of Christian women whose mission is to promote the spiritual, personal, social, and educational well-being of young women and girls at Bethel and in the community. Among its many programs is a .monthly mentoring program for girls, grades K-12th. It provides leadership for the Families Reaching Families Christmas Gift Ministry and conducts other community projects.
Decorations Committee
Provides adornment for occasions such as receptions, dinners, and for special seasons and observances. It is responsible for keeping the bulletin boards appropriately dressed throughout the year.
Hospitality Ministry
Plans, coordinates, and hosts church-wide events such as repasts, receptions, dinners, and banquets.
Necrology Ministry
Assists bereaved families with the preparation of funeral services, and advises the pastor on matters pertaining to the needs of bereaved families. It also records and maintains accurate records of deceased members.
New Member Orientation
(now known as “Nurturing and Discipleship Training”): This program is slated to begin mid-September 2023. Nurturing and Discipleship Training cohorts will be established four times per year, and/or as directed by the Senior Pastor. Nurturing and Discipleship Training is a 12-week hybrid course where new members learn about the following religious topics: The Assurance of Salvation; The Articles of Religion; A History of the AME Church; Introduction to Christian Stewardship, to include, but not restricted to, Bible study and personal prayer; Rules and Regulations of the AME Church as described in The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Introduction to the Bible; History and Ministries of the Local Church and the Catechism on Faith. At the end of the 12-week course, new members are equipped with necessary tools to be considered for full membership into the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
N. Z. Graham Board
Helps meet the spiritual and social needs of its members and bring souls to Christ. It volunteers and contributes resources and services to organizations such as Davita Dialysis, Big Bend Hospice, the Homeless Shelter, and Miracle Hill Nursing Home.
Pastor’s Aid Board
Assists the pastor and his family in carrying out their responsibilities to the church. It supports the pastor’s mission/vision regarding overall church operations. It plans programs and projects to raise funds to assist the pastor with professional needs such as travel and office equipment. Traditionally, the Pastor’s Aid Board partners with the Board of Stewards in providing an annual recognition for the pastor and his family.
Pulpit Aid Board
Watches over the pulpit area. It equips the pulpit with appropriate furniture, pulpit table covers, the Holy Bible, and other essentials; and keeps the area beautiful by providing flowers for weekly worship services as well as for special services during Christmas, Easter and on other occasions.
Sam Sampson Board
Seeks to advance the spiritual and educational development of Bethel members. It awards a scholarship to young people at Bethel who enroll in seminary. Outreach is a priority. Some of its outreach initiatives are the Adopt-A-Family and “Christmas Angels project that provides warm pants and/or coats to needy students at Leon County Schools.
Sick and Shut-in Ministry
Provides assistance to members (homebound, hospitalized or in nursing home facilities), who are physically unable to attend worship services and other church events. The pastor, associate ministers, stewards and stewardesses, provide the sick and shut-in with Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and make other visitations. Care leaders and individual members, who select congregational care as their personal ministry, provide transportation, shopping, house cleaning, and other helpful services.
Senior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adult Ministry is designed to involve and nurture senior adults. Programs and activities are designed to enrich the lives of retired members through educational, social, spiritual and recreational events. Opportunities are also provided for seniors to inspire and guide others by using their years of Christian experiences to witness to God’s power, grace, and promises.
Sight and Sound Media Ministry
In addition to providing audio/visual support and control for worship, seasonal and other services, this ministry provides group and one-on-one classes to assist with devices (pc, cellphone, tablet) and software products (Windows, iOS, Office apps, Zoom); offers tech support and management of the church WIFI network and Clock=Carillon=PA; and provides technical support to the administrative staff.
Sons of Allen Ministry (Men’s Ministry)
The Sons of Allen is the local unit of the Men’s Fellowship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Named in honor of Bishop Richard Allen, founder of the AME Church, it’s purpose is to lead men to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It promotes a closer relationships between men of the church, equips them for meaningful service, provides positive role models for young black males, and engages in programs/activities to enhance their spiritual and personal well-being.
Transportation Ministry
Provides transportation for Bethel ministries and auxiliaries, including road trips. It offers transportation to and from worship services, and assists with parking during major activities such as conferences, funerals, and other occasions that attract large crowds.