A Life Recovery Center (ALRC)
Bethel Community Development Corporation (CDC)
Provides quality, affordable housing to low income families in Tallahassee’s southside communities. It assists with the acquisition of new homes and rental housing, provides owner-occupied rehab services, and offers financial and credit counseling.
Camp Richardson Recreation and Retreat Center
A ten-acre facility that serves as a location for summer camps, church seminars, workshops, and leisure activities as well as community sponsored meetings and other events. It includes a lodge, (full kitchen, bathrooms and large meeting room), cabins, basketball and volleyball courts, and a commercial sized swimming pool.
Families Reaching Families Christmas Gift Program
An annual project that provides Christmas gifts for families in need. Names of families are provided by social services agencies , schools, and Bethel members. Leadership for this annual enterprise is provided by the Daughters of Sarah Allen.
Homeless Shelter Food Program
The signature outreach project of the Elkin-Williams Missionary Society. It prepares and serves hot lunches, once a month, to residents of the Leon County Homeless Shelter.
Mentor/Volunteer Ministry
Works toward making a positive difference in the lives of at-risk students in the Leon County School System through one-on-one counseling and academic assistance.
Thanksgiving Basket Distribution
This outreach effort is the longest continuously running community outreach program of the Church. Begun almost thirty years ago, this program annually provides Thanksgiving Baskets to between 175 – 350 needy families in the Tallahassee area. Each basket contains a turkey, fresh vegetables, and other ingredients essential to a Thanksgiving meal. Moreover, baskets are assembled by not only church volunteers but also volunteers from local universities and high schools. If additional information is needed regarding volunteer opportunities or agency referrals, please contact Connie E. Jenkins-Pye.
Ministries/Boards are encouraged to include outreach as a major component of their mission, individual ministries provide assistance and support to hundreds of community residents through the financial, material, and human resources they contribute to human service organizations. Here are a few examples:
A.J. Kershaw Board – Wigs for Cancer Patients, American Cancer Society
Daughters of Sarah Allen – New Born Baby Clothes Project – Tallahassee Memorial Hospital
Elkins-Williams Women’s Missionary Society – Angel Project Network, visiting patients in nursing homes, and hospitals and providing care to designated home-bound individuals
Health Commission – Relay for Life, American Cancer Society
N.Z. Graham Board – Blankets Program, Davita Dialysis Center; Tree of Remembrance, Big Bend Hospice, and Financial Contribution, Gambro Dialysis Center
Sam Sampson Board – Christmas Angels Project (provides warm pants and coats) – Leon County Schools
Stewardess Board No. 1 – Adult Disposable Undergarments Drive, Convalescent Homes and Bethel members
Stewardess Board No. 2 – Fans for Seniors, Elder Care Services
Stewardess Board No. 3 – Annual Clothes Give-Away, Community Centers
Stewardess Board No. 4 – Sock Drive, Homeless Shelter, and Diapers Drive in partnership with the Elkins-Williams Women’s Missionary Society, Brehon Family Services Center
Usher Board No. 1 – Financial Support – Southside Little League Baseball Team and Second Harvest of the Big Bend