Generally held during early summer, VBS is a wonderful way for adults and children to experience the Word of God through Bible-based classroom instruction, song, dance, creative art, and many other ways!  Each year, a relevant theme is selected and explored through the one full week of fun-filled activities.

Classes are held in various locations in the Bethel Church, beginning with devotion at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 12:30 p.m. (Lunch is provided free of charge) Children and young people are grouped according to grade level and each class has at least two well-prepared teachers.  (Adult classes are also offered.)


The culminating events of the week are the closing session followed by the VBS Carnival.

Registration begins in late Spring so be sure to look for the announcements.


In addition, VBS volunteers (at least 16 years of age) are always welcome!  People are needed to assist with registration, class support, PE, parking, hall monitoring, arts and crafts, music,  first aid— you name it!  There is a place for you to help with VBS.


For additional information about VBS or to become a VBS volunteer, please contact Debra Austin at .